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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 27, Issue 2, pp. 305-601

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Jordan Canonical Form of the Google Matrix: A Potential Contribution to the PageRank Computation

Stefano Serra-Capizzano

pp. 305-312

Strategies for Scaling and Pivoting for Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Problems

Iain S. Duff and Stéphane Pralet

pp. 313-340

Some Fast Algorithms for Sequentially Semiseparable Representations

S. Chandrasekaran, P. Dewilde, M. Gu, T. Pals, X. Sun, A. J. van der Veen, and D. White

pp. 341-364

Relaxations for Robust Linear Matrix Inequality Problems with Verifications for Exactness

C. W. Scherer

pp. 365-395

Computing Moments of First Passage Times to a Subset of States in Markov Chains

Tugrul Dayar and Nail Akar

pp. 396-412

Drazin Inverse and Periodic Collection of Matrices

Begoña Cantó, Carmen Coll, and Elena Sánchez

pp. 413-423

Relative Perturbation Bounds for Positive Polar Factors of Graded Matrices

Ren-Cang Li

pp. 424-433

A New Approach to Generalized Singular Value Decomposition

Shmuel Friedland

pp. 434-444

Additive Schwarz Iterations for Markov Chains

Rafael Bru, Francisco Pedroche, and Daniel B. Szyld

pp. 445-458

Critical Points of the Singular Value Decomposition

Kevin A. O'Neil

pp. 459-473

A Relationship between Linear Discriminant Analysis and the Generalized Minimum Squared Error Solution

Cheong Hee Park and Haesun Park

pp. 474-492

Error Analysis of the Quasi-Gram--Schmidt Algorithm

G. W. Stewart

pp. 493-506

Unitarily Invariant Metrics on the Grassmann Space

Li Qiu, Yanxia Zhang, and Chi-Kwong Li

pp. 507-531

Least-Squares Covariance Matrix Adjustment

Stephen Boyd and Lin Xiao

pp. 532-546

Tails of Condition Number Distributions

Alan Edelman and Brian D. Sutton

pp. 547-560

Perturbation Theory for Factorizations of LU Type through Series Expansions

Froilán M. Dopico and Juan M. Molera

pp. 561-581

The Generalized Eigenvalue Problem for Nonsquare Pencils Using a Minimal Perturbation Approach

Gregory Boutry, Michael Elad, Gene H. Golub, and Peyman Milanfar

pp. 582-601